
5 Weeks old

Friday, August 5, 2011

Updates Aplenty!

No, we haven't fallen off the face of the earth, it just seems like it. We got moved out of the apartment that wanted Freedom to become the invisible dog, and finally got moved into our new apartment this week. A misunderstanding with our internet provider left us with no 'net access until today, so we're catching up with everyone, including getting the new address out to magazines, distant relations (in other words, non-parent relations *grins*), and trying desperately to get two dogs settled back into a routine that they had only just settled into to begin with.

Yes, I mentioned two dogs. Tardis did come home on the 22nd, and he's fit into the pack beautifully, if not in a brotherly kind of way. And he and Freedom are moving into a more intense period of training now that they are both settling in and learning the ropes, including their first trip to the hospital for Brian's endocrinology appointment this morning.

They are adjusting nicely, but there are challenges, and there is much to update our readers on, and far too much to try to cram into one entry. It's been an incredibly long week, and my anxiety levels have been draining me to no end (and my doctor and I made an adjustment to my meds at my last visit, which has thrown things into a further tailspin, on top of the new surroundings, and the disturbance in routine, etc.). So, as I'm about at the end of my energy reserve, I'll call this good for tonight, and will spend the next few nights picking apart the puppies development over the last few weeks in topics, rather than a day-by-day approach.

Freedom goes to his first puppy-play-date tomorrow outside of our own pack, and we'll be meeting a professional trainer in the process as we start narrowing down options for the professional guidance of these two little guys, and Sunday, they go for professional portraits. Mom would like to see us have at least one shot with Brian and I in the picture (FYI, I'm not all that fond of being in front of cameras).  It's been a busy week, and it looks like it'll be an even busier weekend! Enjoy yours, and we'll be seeing you here in the blog!

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